Left to right: front
row – Peter Niblett, Cathy Brown, Andrew Hobbis, Catherine Ladd, Gwen Rogers, Alice Heilker, Charley Heilker; second row – Jeff Ladd, Phil Rogers,
Ann LeMarachel, Roy LeMarachel, Jay Williams; back – Phil Goodyer.
The visitors, with the exception of UK visitor Peter Niblett,
are UK members of the Ancient Society of College Youths who, prior to the
practice, rang a peal of Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods). St James
ringers earlier present at the practice but not in the picture were Mary Platt, Ibby
Marshall, and Nancy Payne; taking the photograph is Derek Wilsden. The practice
ringing covered R&CC through Cambridge and London
S Major - a rare opportunity for the local ringers!