Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Heifer Bowl Returns to North Georgia

NAGCR Striking Competition 2007,
Church of the Good Shepherd, Augusta, GA

First Place for the Six Bell competition went to a combined team of St. Lukes and St. James ringers, conducted by Lyn Barnett. Cathy Brown, Mary Platt, Kathryn Tucker, Lyn Barnett, Derek Wilsden, Judith Smith.

First Place in the Eight Bell competition went to a combined team of ringers from Philadelphia, Brewster, St. Lukes and St. James.
Beverly Faber, Eileen Butler, Charley Heilker, Ron Edge, Bruce Butler, Chris Haller, Sally Karkula, Lyn Barnett.

The winning Call Change band included Bruce and Eileen Butler (Philadelphia), Chris Haller (Rochester), Sudie Lea O'Connor (Augusta), Helen Haller (Rochester), and North Georgia ringer Alice Heilker.

Thank you Sudie Lea and all the Augusta ringers for your hospitality and wonderful bells!