Tuesday, August 7, 2012

St James Day Quarter Peal

Saturday, 28 July 2012
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Alice Gough Heilker
2 Kathryn E Tucker
3 Mary Platt
4 Charley Heilker
5 Derek J Wilsden
6 Jay Williams
7 Catherine P Brown (C)
8 Christopher G Brown
In honor of St. James Day
Beautifully rung following our regular Saturday morning practice.   Followed by a lovely luncheon at Sally and Jeff Karkula's home to bid farewell to Kathryn Tucker as she and her family prepare to relocate to Northern Virginia.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Congratulations to Emma Toland

who today rang her first quarter peal!

1320 Plain Bob Doubles, in 42 minutes

1. Emma Toland (first quarter)
2. Charley Heilker
3. Kathryn Tucker
4. Derek Wilsden
5. Catherine P. Brown (C)
6. Jay Williams
Rung in memory of Bill Estes (d. 4 May 2012), friend of -5- and friend
and co-worker of Chris Brown.