On a rainy, misty, spooky Halloween day, seven ringers gathered at St. James Marietta to attempt two different quarter peals: Grandsire Doubles and Grandsire/Plain Mixed Doubles. The first of Grandsire Doubles was being conducted for the first time by Kathryn Tucker, and it was Sally Karkula's first attempt inside. It was a valiant effort, and the striking was particularly good, but the conductor had a tough time keeping track of her 120's! "Stand" was called and a short candy break was enjoyed by all.
The second quarter had Jay Williams on the treble, a first for him - he has previously rung a successful quarter as tenor behind. Once again, the striking was good, but the ghost and goblins of this day seemed to be especially mischievous - the ringing never solidified, despite a couple of fresh starts. When Jay's wife Kathy showed up with pie and cake for Jay's birthday, we were all more than happy to trot down to the parish hall, sing "Happy Birthday" and dive into the goodies.
Thanks go to all the ringers who showed up on this haunted day and battled the ghoulies in the belfry - it was good practice for everyone!